Happy Mother's Day!
"Dan Kami perintahkan kepada manusia (agar berbuat baik) kepada orang tuanya. Ibunya telah mengandungnya dalam keadaan lemah yang bertambah-tambah, dan menyapihnya dalam usia dua tahun. Bersyukurlah kepada-Ku dan kepada kedua orang tuamu. Hanya kepada Aku kembalimu."
(Surah Luqman 31: 14)
Today is Mother's Day!
I miss your face
I miss to talk to you while baring2 on the couch depan tv
I miss to watch you cooking so I can cook the same thing too
I miss to finish up all of your cooking while "rebut2" dgn bdk 3 org tu
I miss to listen to all of your babblings =p
I miss to go shopping with you
I miss to team up with you to kenakan ayah) hehe..
I miss to watch cite korea, channel women&health with you
I miss to tell you my story of the day endlessly
I miss to listen to your story of the day endlessly
I miss u
I miss u
I miss u soooo much!!
Mama, take care,
minta maaf utk segala salah silap saya
doakan saya kat sini..
Kakak sayang mama! muah2!!
p/s: to all mothers in the world, happy mother's day!
homesickness....GO AWAY!!!
go away HOMESICKNESS!! jgn kaco ktorg! syuh2! =p